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Trial Adoption Form

My (our) signatures below attest that I (we) have read and understand this agreement and its terms and conditions.  I (we) hereby release FIDO's Companion Rescue, Inc. and all its affiliates from any and all liability arising from the acceptance of this animal.  I understand that violation of any of the terms herein constitutes a breach in contract, and RESCUE has the right to reclaim the animal at its discretion of the FIDO'S Companion Board of Directors.

Accepted by: 














Approved by:


The adopting party may request a trial placement period of a foster care dog not to exceed two weeks from acceptance date.  At the time, the adopting party becomes the legal owner of the dog, the adoption agreement will be signed and an adoption fee will be collected by FIDO's Companion Rescue, Inc.  No refund of an adoption fee will be made once the adopting party has had the dog in their home past the trial period.  If a longer trial period is agreed upon by FIDO's, we will update the paperwork as necessary.


Trial adopters hereby specifically and forever releases and holds FIDO's Companion Rescue, Inc and all its affiliates (herein collectively referred to as RESCUE) harmless from any and all liability arising from the TRIAL placement by RESCUE of this animal.  TRIAL ADOPTERS agree to indemnify and hold harmless RESCUE for any damages suffered and expenses incurred (including legal fees) in defending of any legal action, whether for bodily injuries or death, property damage, breach of contract, or otherwise, whether instituted by TRIAL ADOPTER or by any other person or persons involved with this animal arising out of or in consequence of the TRIAL placement of this dog.

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